
Conflict of interest




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-29-2020, 02:33 AM

He had been worried over how she would take the news, but she surprised him with how well she rolled with the punches. His expression softened while he listened to her reasoning and he gave her a proud smile. He knew that moving into a pack had been fully his idea and dream and she had been so incredibly patient and understanding about adjusting to this life style. It had been a lot to ask of her and yet she seemed to take it all in stride. He certainly couldn't blame her for wanting to spend all of her time with the pups - he would do that himself if given the chance - but he was still glad that she was willing to compromise so that he wouldn't have to be in the tough situation of having to force her to do so. He still disliked how Askan addressed the issue, but at least it gave him the chance to bring it up with Azariah before someone else did.

Just when he thought that their little, impromptu late night meeting couldn't have gone more smoothly, she went on to mention that their children were all sleeping and brought up some more "pleasant business" which certainly got his attention immediately. A grin pulled across his lips with a rumbling chuckle and he brought his other foreleg around her, pulling her up against his stomach and chest as he cradled her smaller frame to his, his silver gaze shining with the same mischievous glint as her own. "You don't have to tell me twice..." he told her before absolutely covering her in as much affection as he could possibly muster. Her face, ears, cheeks, muzzle, and neck were all covered in kisses, licks, and nibbles. No inch of her that he could reach went untouched as he let himself savor and enjoy his love, letting all of the stress from the day fall away and slip completely out of mind. Her floral scent completely filled his senses in the most delectable way. Sometimes he felt like he got too caught up in the day to day life and the work he was putting in to help build this pack that he missed out on moments like these, just loving the wolf that had changed his life and given him the most precious gifts he could ever imagine.

Once he was satisfied that he had given her as many kisses as she could stand he relented with a grin, giving her one last kiss on her lips before finally releasing her. Once she was back on her feet he stood as well, giving a little nod for her to follow him as he led her off toward the forest that surrounded the top of the Sunset Falls. He knew from all of his patrols around the territory that there was a spot in the trees that was close enough to their den that if something were to happen they would hear the pups calling for them, but was far enough away that they wouldn't be seen by the others. They came to a secluded grove of trees and he found a pile of fallen leaves that had gotten swept together between a trio of trees, giving them a natural bed of sorts. It was makeshift at best, but he didn't care. All of his attention was wrapped up in Azariah. He flopped down into the leaves with a rumbling laugh, giving her a bright grin as he patted the spot beside him for her to join him.
