
Eclipse - aw


09-11-2013, 11:35 AM

A twisted, lustful song would echo among the battle field, her cry something of an amusement as it would prickle against the delicate lobes. Gliding towards the noise the ex princess decided she needed to get more practise, if war was to come to glaciem what better way to learn then by a spar? The mystical siren would rise, her lean legs pounding against the earth to reach the call until a large figure would set upon the orbs, with the defences all set and ready. Slowing down the pace the oracle would twist her lips into a smile, looking the woman over, her muscles rippling and her frame huge. " Im sure your here for the same reasons as I my belle? a spar." Even if the brood was to loose, she'd gain experience for the future, either way it will benefit.

Renesme would tense, staying approximately 7 meters away to observe the reaction and to be sure no unexpected attacks would be announced, before tucking in the tail inbetween the hind legs, ears pinned backed to prevent them from getting torn away while the twin pools would turn into slits. The ivory dame would make sure to spread out the weight evenly upon all four ligements to secure the balance before curling the lips. " You ready" The words would shudder beneath the breath, the tiara would slowly dip down to tuck the chin upon the chest. Renesme was set and ready.

Renesme vs Canttina

Round- 0/3

Attacks- none

Defenses- ears tucked, balance evenly spread, eyes slit, lips curled, chin tucked.
