
Drop on by



09-11-2013, 12:24 PM

Song was slightly surprised at Novella's sudden words. She had not expected empathy from the sister who she had known merely moments. Her little sister would come to stand at her side "What is wrong with you two?" their reaction was not lost on the girl and she felt as much of the hostility as Song. It seemed though that Symphony remembered her manners and was very much willing to talk things through with her departed sibling. "'s been a long time...why..why did you never come back to just visit? Was it not bad enough what had happened with the relation we all had with mother? The stress we grew up with? And how you leaving and never coming back...Honestly Song it was a sort of a relief. Though things did not change much. Do not blame us for our...actions. No questions Nov...we will talk later. I hope you told mother and father you were leaving too..." She paused and it let Song have a few moments to digest her questions. There was more insight, and the she wolf was able to more clearly see where the wolves were coming from, but that didn't mean it was her fault.
"But I couldn't come back Symphony. After I left I came here and I met Cherokee. I wanted you in my life, that's why he tried to get you. We wanted to introduce our family." She wanted her to see how much it had pained her to leave. Novel had forced her away. "I couldn't stay with mother." She looked back to the she wolf who was so like her, "Song..alot of things have been..left on bad terms between us all. With you leaving us the emotions did not...heal. Give us time..." She let a small smile grace her pearly lips, "I didn't want to leave on bad terms with anyone. Mother just pushed me so hard. I had to go Symphony." She would give Song a kiss upon the forehead, and she would enjoy it.
"So...I do believe you will need for formally introduce your pups to us.." As the words left her mouth two beautiful little children would appear from the woods. Novel and Canta would bound up to her, their faces full of concern and a bit of apprehension. Poor Canta looked like she had seen a ghost. "It's okay mommy, don't look sad! They're nice!" Song wouldn't help but to smile at the young she pup. "It's alright baby, I know." She would nuzzle both pups comfortingly, "This is Novel and Canta." Before she could say anything else, another wolf would make their presence known.
He was also of Ahlon, she had to assume he was one of her siblings as well. He was an obvious mix of their parents, she could feel the familiar pang of sadness. She had missed all of their lives up until that point, all because of her mother. She mentally shook her head, she would have to make an effort to know these pups. She tried to smile at the newcomer, maybe he would have an attitude similar to Novella about their history.
