
Fishing Trip


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
12-29-2020, 11:52 AM
Lounging against his back, Hanako took great comfort in the company Mortis provided. What they had wasn't serious but it didn't need to be, as long as Mortis was by her side the world felt a little brighter, suffused with colour and hope. Even if their future was shrouded in mystery and was a little daunting, she was sure they'd be okay. But Mortis sounded more worried than she'd expected and she was once again reminded that Mortis had far more on his plate than she could ever dream of. Being a Wraith, whilst important, was a choice she'd made. The role of heir had been foisted upon him whether he liked it or not, his every action scrutinised to the point where even Hanako had judged him- quite unfairly- unworthy of the crown.

Wasn't it only natural then that more than anything he wished to fly free? To shake off the burdens he'd never asked for, to live his life his way and as he pleased. Hanako kicked her hind legs in the water and shimmied closer so that she could wrap her forelimbs around his neck in an embrace. She felt guilty for even asking, for bringing it to the forefront of his mind. What a terrible friend she was, how could she possibly make it up to him? A sigh slipped past her lips as her gaze went downcast, her eyelashes curling across her cheeks as she considered his question.

"I'm happy." Now more than ever, neck deep in her element with one of her two most favoured Fatalis'. "That's enough for me now.""

Which was a lie What else did she want? What more could push her into the deep end of perfection? Or should she just settle for good enough? It was a tough question to wrestle with, and despite her selfish desires all she wanted in this moment was to see Mortis smile again. A silly, pretty juvenile idea popped into her mind as she looked up at his face. Mortis always seemed at his most content when he was touchy feely, snuggled with friends and family. They were already pretty much cuddling as it was so there was only one thing left for Hanako to do.

Leaning forward, Hanako's lips brushed against the side of his muzzle in a short but tooth rattlingly sweet kiss.
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