
Take Me, Save Me


09-11-2013, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2013, 07:20 PM by Aeil.)

Aeil was patrolling the borders of Seracia when it happened. After covering more than half of the land owned by her pack, she saw a white blur in the distance. The gray she-wolf increased her pace from a walk to a brisk trot, only going up to a canter as she tried to get closer at a quicker pace. As she covered more ground, Aeil only hoped that whatever the furry blur was, it was all right.
She was relieved with that idea when she came close to the white wolf. Her blue eyes scanned her form from far off and noticed a few bits of branches, leaves, and burrs clinging to what was once a lovely bit of pelt. Aeil's nose immediately picked up the scent of Glaciem and her ears flattened slightly against her skull. What was a female of the known harem of Isardis doing here?
After she got within speaking distance, Aeil slowed her gait and cautiously padded near the white female. She watched as the unnamed she-wolf was trying to catch her breath, taking in deep gulps of air and looking as if she was about to throw it back up. Alarm was slowly rising in Aeil's eyes and she looked around to see if anyone else had come with her. There had been a female, one that had strange markings across her face. That was what Aeil saw in the distance, so the details weren't too clear. Even so, the higher ranks had to be known. She took that opportunity to toss back her head and howl for both healer and Royal being. Surely they would be within a canter's range!
Her tail flicked idly behind her as she lowered her gaze to the female in front of her. "Miss?" she asked, voice soft and light, filled with concerned. "Are you all right? What-where...what has happened?" She asked, confusion slightly evident in her words. "I just called for our healer and Royal...They should be here soon." She looked back up to the strange female that stood on the other side of the borders. Her ears completely flattened then as she saw the fire burning in her eyes. Aeil didn't like the thought of what may come.
