
Angel like you




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-29-2020, 06:43 PM
After he’d found Elise Iroh no longer had the grand desire to go out and find another conquest. She was always on his mind, and when she agreed to be his he truly felt complete. She satisfied him like no other, in his physical needs but more importantly his emotional needs. Still Iroh couldn’t conceal the excitement he had for the promises of their night together. He wasn’t sure he would ever tire of being close to her, nor did he want to. This feeling of elation he had simply being in her presence was one reason he’d wanted her so bad. If she could continue to give him those feelings at chance encounters what kind of life could they build together?

He didn’t feel like he was trying to tame a wild spirited woman, instead the relationship felt natural and easy. As they grew they grew better together, like they were meant to be. These thoughts didn’t linger in his mind for very long as Elise kept teasing him, reminding him that there would be plenty of ways to show his appreciation in return. For now she was the one who wanted to spoil him. ”You act like I could treat the one I love any differently.” Iroh chuckled and leaned into her touch. ”I’d do it a million times over without thanks, but I do adore the surprise. Everything really is amazing.” He reminded her as he watched her, with undivided attention, as she enjoyed the offered berry. They were barely touching, but the night was already beginning to heat up.

Sarabi seemed to sense as much and bothered them for a quick moment as she readied their tea and made her retreat. As far as animals went the mandrills were very open with their sexual activities, she didn’t mind in the least, but she knew how the wolves seemed to appreciate their privacy. She was gone soon enough, and Elise took her opportunity to snuggle in closer as the water cooled. Iroh grinned and wrapped his head around hers in an almost embrace. He didn’t move as she spoke softly, sounding a lot like she’d been planning the words to come as she ran one claw down the shorter fur of his foreleg. He didn’t hide the shiver that raced up towards his spine.

Dark brows raised curiously at her question, this was one he really hadn’t expected. It seemed like yesterday she’d let him bring her home, and she was worried about losing her freedom. Iroh wasn’t blind, he’d seen what family life could be like. How much time did Riva and Pyrrhic devote to their children? Iroh however, was well aware of the duty he would be expected to carry out for the Abraxas name. That had been one deciding factor in asking for her commitment.

Before he answered Iroh leaned forward to kiss her sweet lips gently. ”I know I want one. With you.” He told her honestly, however unfinished he was with their honeymoon phase. Iroh was content to be just the two of them, but wasn’t this where all their affections should lead in the end? Or was it the beginning? ”I have no intention of rushing you if you don’t feel like you’re ready.” He whispered against her ear as he tried to hold her more securely in her arms.
Where My Demons Hide