
Curiosity Killed the Cat, but Not the Wolf



09-11-2013, 02:22 PM

The howl left her lips and its clear note made her giggle. She loved doing that! Turning her eyes back to the mysterious beasts she gave them a toothy smile and wagged her tail. But then she saw the wild looks of their eyes staring right back at her. Resnera cocked her head, what was the matter with them? Didn't they like friends? Then their braying started. The noise scared her half to death and she jumped up to her full height.

Terrified she watched as the animals gathered together and started running right at her. "Oh no, oh no oh no oh no." Spinning on her haunches she ran as fast as her legs to carry her across the top of the knoll. Her eyes were trained behind her though, scared out of her silly little mind. Then her face rammed right into something soft. Tripping over her own limbs, she hit the ground and then rolled right to her feet.

When she stood she was a bit dazed and had to shake out her head to find what, or whom, she had run into. Soon her eyes focused on the handsome male wolf that had obviously been the obstruction in her path."Oh no! I'm so sorry." Her big blue eyes turned on him with concern. Slowly she padded over to him, too trusting for her young age, and cocked her head. "My name is Resnera, who are you?" Just as the words left her lips the strange creatures she had completely forgotten about rounded the hill, "Oh no, come...come we gotta run!" She scampered backwards for a bit before turning around and sprinting in the opposite direction. Resnera could only hope that the male had followed her, but she wasn't looking behind her this time! Stretching her limbs out as far as they could go she booked it away from those odd, odd, creatures.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome image by Canttina <3