
Angel like you




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
12-29-2020, 07:43 PM
She knew her question probably came as a surprise and the lift of his brows confirmed that suspicion. She had never really pictured herself as a mother, but she had also never imagined that she would settle down with one man for the rest of her life either. Being with Iroh had changed her desires and perspectives on a lot of things and having a family was one of those things. It wasn't that she was necessarily wanting to rush into it, but she also didn't really need to put it off for ages either. She supposed Iroh's response was really her deciding factor for when or if she would want to take that step and soon enough she got it. His gentle kiss brought a smile to her lips. Searching his gaze after he spoke she knew that he spoke nothing but the truth, not that she really expected anything less of him. She mostly just didn't want him to give her an answer that felt like he was just saying what he thought she would want to hear. Of course he had been nothing but honest with her so far so she had no real reason to think he would do that, but it was a big topic and a big decision. She just wanted to be sure.

She certainly didn't feel like he was rushing her by any means one way or another, but she still appreciated him saying so either way. Elise smiled and settled into his embrace when he went to pull her closer to him, giving not an ounce of resistance as she formed to him and nuzzled into the thicker fur around his neck. She let the topic simmer in her mind for a moment while she left a trail of licks and nibbles along his neck, starting at the base of his throat and working her way up to his muzzle. When she reached his lips she pressed her muzzle to his in a lingering, savoring, loving kiss. As selfish as she was when it came to his affection and attention, she knew that if she was going to share him with anyone it would be their children. Being with him and his family made her think back to the days when she lived with her parents and siblings and reminded her of how important all of that had been to her. It also made her realize that as far as she knew, she was it. She had cousins that she had come across, some of them more closely related to her than others, but her siblings seemed to all be gone. Her father had a litter before hers, but she had no idea what had happened to them. She thought about her father and how important family and lineage had been to him and knew that now that she had the chance to continue that on it would be an insult to him to not do that for him.

When her lips finally parted from his, she blinked open her eyes to peer up at him with thoughtful, half-lidded eyes while a grin pulled at her lips. "I'm ready... Whenever you're ready and you think it's a good time for us, I'm ready." Her grin grew as she spoke, her paws tracing his shoulders and claws brushing against his skin. "I know it's sappy and it sounds crazy, but... As long as I'm with you I feel like I can do anything... including raise a family."

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