
New Discoveries




5 Years

12-29-2020, 08:48 PM

Beaming like an excited child, Milo turned back towards the ruins once Nausicaa had stated she had no other questions. "Okay, let's go!" he said, pausing to wave a paw for her. "Ladies first." The quick kiss she left him with when she slipped past made the young man give a few rapid blinks in surprise, his whole body stunned and paralyzed. When he snapped back into reality, his smile turned into a wider grin and he followed her into the quiet ruins. Stepped over the threshold, the two wolves were greeted by a massive chamber, its smooth stone floor stained by years of water exposure and spots of moss staring to overtake it. The air was a strange combination of sea salt and damp plants as the island tried to reclaim the building. Milo marveled at their surroundings, padding slowly up to Nausicaa, then wandering off over to a nearby counter. He placed his paws up on the marble counter and hoisted himself up over it, dipping down behind it into a separated section. The floor was littered with yellowed pages of paper, pieces of something broken clicking under his paws when he batted at them. They were baffling... perhaps they were a puzzle of some kind? Milo pushed a chair on wheels out of the way with a squeal of old parts, sniffing at some remaining artifacts laid out on a shelf just below the counter. Nothing seemed particularly interesting, so he placed his paws on the counter again and peeked his head up over the edge to spy Nausicaa with a happy grin.

For a brief moment, he just watched her, letting the pleasant memories dance through his brain of their previous night. He didn't know who she was or why she'd chosen to spend this time with him, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. With a soft grunt, he pulled himself back out into the antechamber, trotting around past aging and broken furniture with moth-eaten cushions. "Helloooo!" Milo shouted out, listening to the way his voice echoed around them like a manufactured cave. He snickered to himself, then padded over to a corridor. The hallway was fairly spacious, with windows cutout along the one side that peered out into the forest surrounding the resort. The glass was covered in a thick layer of grime and smudges, turning the clear panes opaque and obscuring them from the outside world. Milo's claws gave staccato clicks against the tiled floors, the young brute studying the mosaics on the walls depicting the ocean, the forest, and other aspects of nature. "Whoa... I've never seen anything like these before...!" he murmured, half to himself and half to Nausicaa, lifting a paw to trace each tile in the mosaic.

A little further down the corridor, they came to a fork in the path, the hallway branching out in two different directions. A written sign on the wall detailed what each path led to, and although Milo could not decipher the characters, there were two crude illustrations showing a circle with a trident and a blade on either side and one showing what looked like a flower blooming. Milo chewed on his bottom lip while he considered each one, humming every so often to himself. Then an idea stuck him, and he turned to peer at Nausicaa from over his shoulder. "Well, looks like we need to make a choice! What'd'ya think? Stabby disk or plant?" This was Nausicaa's first exploration trip, why not let her pick their path?

"Speech" | Thoughts