
In A Moment of Stillness



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-29-2020, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2020, 09:27 PM by Ásvor.)
Ásvor had never been even a fraction as driven as Valdís. As a youngster she'd had high hopes and ambitions, and - as it always seemed to do - life took her completely off-course. She'd dreamt so long of resurrecting Yfir, before she'd realized how she felt for Valdís, when she'd given up those dreams entirely in favor of... well, better ones. This simple life was hardly what she'd ever expected, but now that she'd made herself at home here in Fireside she couldn't imagine anything else. She was merely a healer here, tending to the livestock as well as her fellow packmates when she needed to. Occasionally she was eager to join one of their raids, at least to get her blood flowing, but beyond that - and raising Ulfr - life was quiet and pleasant.

That wasn't to say she was completely opposed to spicing things up a bit, but she didn't yearn for chaos as she once had. Instead she found herself longing for these moments of simplicity. She let out a content purr as she felt Valdís bury into her fur, slowly stretching out her limbs and shifting herself closer to her, basking in her warmth from the slight chill that crept in from their den's entrance. Her words made her chuckle a bit, even if they had a painful truth to them, even if Ásvor didn't necessarily fear death. Despite not being the most faithful woman, she did believe in the afterlife and that she and Valdís would reunite in the realm of the dead someday, in Helgafjell if not in Valhalla or Fólkvangr. "That's a good question," she breathed quietly, slowly opening her eyes and blinking sleep from them. "But it slows down too much, we'll be stuck with Úlfr forever," Ásvor teased lightly. She loved their son deeply and truthfully he was growing up too fast - she really wouldn't mind the passage of time slowing down at least a bit.