
What's a Slipper?



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
12-30-2020, 01:01 AM
Walk | "Talk" | think

She gave a "hmmmmmm" when Indigo confirmed that some flowers and plants could go dormant because of the cold. Their hunt for the lady's slipper suddenly seemed even more difficult than it had already seemed. What if they were walking right past the right plant but didn't know it because the flowers weren't there for them to look for!? She frowned, but kept looking all the same, not willing to give up as long as the others were still looking as well. She heard her sister scrambling against the bark of a couple of willow trees and she lifted her curious lavender and mint eyes to see what was going on. Her ears perked with the sudden excitement that Bowen called out to them with, making Gwyn watch her sister with a hopeful grin.

She ran after Bowen to where her sister had potentially found the flower they had been looking for, her tail wagging a mile a minute while she waited expectantly for Bowen to come back out from the spot she was searching. The excitement quickly turned to worry when her sister squeaked and fell back away from the hiding place the trio of willows made, Gwyn's ears falling back against her head as she hurried over to make sure her sister was okay. A bird? Well, that was disappointing, but as long as Bowen was okay then she could deal with that part. She looked to Indigo when he said that they'd find it and even though she had some major doubts, she really wanted to make Bowen feel better too so she made a resolute nod and turned back to Bowen to nudge at her sister's cheek. "Yeah! We'll find it!"

With that they continued on their hunt, trying to keep up her spirits so that hopefully Bowen would be excited again too. Indigo led them even deeper into the trees and the plant life started to get more dense and hard to search through. Just when she thought that Bowen might have the right idea in giving up, a flash of pink stood out among all the green and brown and her head popped up. She didn't really believe her eyes at first, but she wandered a bit closer and sure enough, it matched all the descriptions they had been given. A huge grin crossed her face and her tail wagged like crazy. She ran over to where Bowen was and she nudged her sister's shoulder excitedly. "Bo! Bo, come this way!" she insisted, leading her over to where the flower was with a little bounce in her step. She looked back to make sure Indigo was there too, ushering them all to where their little lady slipper flower was growing. They found it!