
a few inches shorter on the nose




4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
12-30-2020, 01:25 PM

The Ademre had not expected the terrible weather to proceed what had, not too long ago, been open skies. The sudden downpour of rain gave the earth beneath him a muddy texture, and his claws skidded in the slick as he chased down the rabbit through the undergrowth. The rumbling of the sky had started the creature moments before he could make his pounce, and he knew his chances of reclaiming the prey was slim. Still, he wasn’t one to give up easily, and his paws pounded the earth beneath him. As it neared its barrow, he dived, skidding in the mud, and his teeth clicking shut on the very last tuft of fur of its tail.

It barely slowed its mad dash, leaving the warrior with a mouthful of fur, and little else to show for it. He climbed back to his feet with a long sigh, shaking out his coat. His reds were muted with a coating of brown, and he could feel it sliding down his rump and sides.

He leaned his head into the rain, letting it make some efforts to wash him clean, even if it did leave him chilled and soaked. As he stood there, a rattle of thunder shook the sky, and a few moments later - lightning. The storm was closing in. He should find shelter before lightning decided red-toned wolves made a good landing spot.

He recalled seeing a cavern to the south of the Gulley he currently occupied, and fell into a steady trott, paws pounding wet earth again as he made his way towards the ocean. He found the large rocky territory, and noticed a small opening in the side. Not the main cavern entrance by any stretch, but it would do in a pinch. Bringing himself closer, he tried to sniff the entrance, but the scent of rain and wet earth dampened his sensors. He poked his head cautiously inside. He just about lost his nose to the angry groundhog that launched itself at him. With a cry of surprise, the Ademre reared back.


seasonal w/c: 345