
winds of change


"Helen of Koi"


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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
12-30-2020, 01:49 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2020, 01:50 PM by Hanako.)
WC: 801

Hanako was a year older but she didn't quite feel it yet. She'd rather naively assumed that she'd be hit by a sudden wave of realisation, that the world would make a little more sense. But the puzzle pieces of her life were all still scattered across the table, mixed and muddled and in dire need of a good sorting. She'd get around to it...eventually. Instead, as Hanako wandered down the beach all she could sense was that winter was fast approaching. Barrelling closer and closer with each passing day, with not a force on this earth capable enough to stop or even slow it down. Winter wasn't a bad thing, Hanako had always thought that snow was real pretty but...she guessed she didn't like such a visual reminder that things were changing. That everything was inevitable and all she could do was sit back and watch it happen.

The obsidian sand was cool beneath her paws and the sea water that rolled over them was even colder. A shiver rippled down as her spine as she skittered away, dodging the next wave with a huff. She guessed she'd have to go without swimming for quite some time, at least until spring brought some well needed warmth with it. As if that wasn't bad enough that also meant she'd probably wouldn't be eating fish fo a while either, sure she could learn to fish like everyone else but she didn't want to. She liked doing it her way. She paused in her steps, eying the waves and noticed that the sea looked rougher than usual, with dark waves roiling back and forth on the horizon. She supposed it made sense, with the colder season came rougher weather, storms and the like. But how would the Armada fair with so much of their territory being so close to the ocean? What if a really big storm rolled in and swept everyone away? The Ashen Armada warriors were strong enough to fight away any threat but mother nature herself. Though she'd be a liar if she claimed that the thought of Sirius and his boys biting away at waves did bring a giggle to her muzzle.

Her lips pursed into a thin line and she kept walking. There was no use worrying over something she couldn't control, right? Pulling in a deep breath, Hanako had to admit the cold, crisp air felt better than warm and muggy air. And she wouldn't have to worry about getting burned by the sun anytime too, silver linings she supposed. She started walking again, her focus now on the clouds that smudged the sky above. To her relief they were all perfectly white and fluffy, with not even a touch of grey thrown into the mix. If there was rough weather ahead it wouldn't be upon them anytime soon, out of sight out of mind. Which...was probably a bad way to view things but it wasn't as if it was Hanako's job to worry about such matters. Or so she liked to think.

Wandering her way back up the beach, Hanako cast her gaze cold and icy inland. If she was a helpful member of society she would have no doubt been scurrying around like the others, hunting and filling their stores before prey became scarce, but that wasn't her job and she much preferred spending her time exploring and learning the lay of the land. From where she stood upon her little grassy outcrop she could see the outlines of trees in the distance, their leaves darker and the foliage thinner than they had been the last time she'd passed through the area. This far south she thought the winter wouldn't be as strong as say up north, near Winterfell, and she thanked her lucky stars for that. The thought of having to huddle up to keep warm day in day out would soon lose it's charm. Especially if she was forced to snuggle up with naked Naiche- yes she was mean for laughing about that but she didn't care. It was really really funny and nothing or no one could persuade her otherwise.

With a shrug, Hanako put the beach behind her as she began to make her way home. Her pace was slow and leisurely, even though the set earlier with each passing day she knew that she still had time, that they were at least a handful of daylight left.  The wind blew again, as though the ocean was begging her not to leave, to stay a few moments longer, and she smiled as the salty brine filled her nostrils. Dangers of giant storms and waves aside she was glad she'd settled by the sea, there was no place she'd rather be. And come rain, snow or sunshine of that she was sure.

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