
playing in the (early) snow



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 03:31 PM
Hikaru wasn’t one to give up hope, and even if he had no idea who or what they were digging for he wouldn’t stop until his efforts were proved fruitless. He dug and dug, his paws long numb but his fight far from gone. Relief, despite not knowing the sad looking bird or her boy, nearly overwhelmed him as Mortis dug her free. Kaiyo suddenly felt light headed as the dark winged boy was much quicker than himself at taking the next step.
Swirling stormy eyes widened in surprise as he was suddenly very close to the bigger wolf, but it seemed almost instant that their body heat began to combine and the blizzard became easier to withstand. He didn’t know how a wolf had wings, but in that moment he thanked all the spirits they were there. Hikaru sighed heavily and leaned into the warm body and soft fur of the other boy, all while doing his best to hug the poor little half dead bird called Saph.

However, he wasn’t about to disregard an order like ‘warm your paws’ and he slowly shifted his frozen toes into Mortis long warm fur. Slowly the heat began to build under those well insulated feathers, and instead of numbness the pain returned. He hoped that was a good sign. Once his paws started to warm so did his brain. ”I hope you’re warmer than I feel.” He told the winged boy softly, though the chill was still audible in his voice. ”I don’t know where you came from, but I’m grateful you’re here.” The last thing he expected was to find shelter in another wolf. He didn’t even care about the social pleasantries he should have been following, he was beyond cold and more than appreciative of his presence.

”My name is Hikaru,” He offered his surname with a polite grin and tilt of his head. As was appropriate in his homeland. They were so close so suddenly though, he wondered if he should also give his first name. ”Or Kaiyo, my first name, considering our informal meeting.” Despite the danger to their lives he managed a good natured chuckle as his silvery eyes returned to Saph, hoping she was recovering better than he was.