
Colors In The Water


09-11-2013, 04:56 PM

Still, she continued to watch him, noting every movement he made. She nodded her head politely when he repeated her name. It sounded nice. He started scratching his ear, which seemed odd to her, because she wouldn't never scratch herself in front of a stranger. If she lifted her leg she would expose her.. ermm. Well, she was a lady after all. "Not as much as I used to." She said simply as she slightly shrugged her shoulders. She used to constantly talk, but since her mother passed she didn't have much to say anymore. He went on, talking and talking, and she merely listened. He was indirectly asking her what had set her off, then trying to make up for asking the question. She wanted to sigh an tell him to stop, but she stayed silent. She wanted to believe him, but how did she know he was an honest man when they had just met? The ghost seemed the same way at first, and once she let her guard down, he quickly changed. How did she know he wouldn't do the same thing. "Thank you Drake, that is very sweet of you, but I don't plan on talking about it with just anyone. I appreciate your honesty, but i'll admit I have.. trust issues. And your actions will speak louder than your words, so maybe in time, I can truly believe you. I do plan on keeping you around for a while, if that's alright. You did offer it after all." Her lips curled into a weak smile, and anyone with eyes could tell it was fake. Hopefully he understood.

Her ears slightly tipped back as she gazed into his eyes. Had she scared him away? She sure hoped not. This had nothing to do with him, if he wanted to blame someone he could blame her. It was her fault her mother had died, and it was her fault that the ghost wanted her. She just hoped her own honesty wouldn't ruin things between them. "And someday I hope you do win my trust Drake. You seem like a man who wouldn't abuse it." He was so sweet and considerate it almost seemed fake, but she would give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, not every wolf was secretly a woman hoarder. "And your home... It sounds beautiful. I haven't seen the ocean yet, but my mother has told me about it. I assume it's a bigger version of this lake? I would love to visit, but again, in time. I need to trust you before you bring me home." She said with a halfhearted wink. "I myself belong to Valhalla. My mother was the beta, and when I reach the age of two i'm to take her place. So I guess you could say i'm royalty, being the beta heir and all. Valhalla is a very large pack, I would say the largest one in Alacritis. Maybe in time, I can show you my home as well." She wouldn't mind taking him home today, but surely he didn't want to join a pack so soon. If she brought him home he would be expected to join, because why else would he come to the borders?


OOC: Not as great as my other posts, I'm lacking muse today >.>