


09-11-2013, 05:15 PM

Myrrh lazily flicked her ears, bored, she had hoped for more of a reaction, but would work with what she was given she supposed. She had desired more of a reaction of surprise, though the discomfort was just barely noticable. No doubt Howl was questioning her closeness, supposing he hadn't guessed that she was merely messing with him, hoping to come across as odd to create... something, to alleviate her boredom, but this wasn't enough for Myrrh, no.. She needed more subtle, drastic actions, but no ideas were emerging at the moment. She huffed softly, in mock frustration, lifting her muzzle and planting it very gently upon Howls'. Her eyes held a piercing gaze, boring into Howls eyes, with a slight hint of pouting barely noticeable. She lowered her muzzle from his before offering a response.

"No.. I suppose I wouldn't mind that at all" She replied softly, tossing her facade aside momentarily, acting slightly more normal than previously. Myrrh tried not to show signs of fatigue, which was likely the cause of her unusually civil mood. She preferred not to have company, not to talk to anyone, just simply slump down on the beach under the moonlight. Unfortunately this couldn't be the case, with the male here. So why didn't she tell him to go away? What aspect of this male before her had convinced her that he was worth her company? Was it sympathy towards his obvious frustration? She nearly frowned at the thought of feeling sorry for someone, the idea made her queasy.

Closing her eyes, she paced slowly around the male in a close circle once, dragging her tail lazily against his fur. Whether the male cared about the contact or not, she didn't care at this point, simply circled him once, then paced a few steps closer to the edge of the water, her feathery tail dragging from the males body slowly, as if encouraging him to follow. She settled her small frame a mere few paw steps from the water's edge, gazing back at Howl, she gestured for him to join her, allowing herself to welcome his presence, rather than reject it, as she had been. As cruel as her intentions had been, Myrrh figured after a long day, it would be best not to exert herself in adding to the frustration of the male in her company. "You're troubled.. Perhaps not by me, but I can see it. Come, relax this night away.." Her voice was much softer now, tired, almost. It frustrated her that she didn't have the energy for her fun, but she guessed his company at least gave her something to talk to, entertainment enough.
