
When The World Stops Turning



09-11-2013, 05:15 PM

It had been a few days since she had been reunited with her family, she hadn't seen them in more than a year. Never would she have expected such a reaction either. Howl had startled her th emost, her had come in with his teeth bared and hackles raised. Ready for a fight, but why? Hadn't it been Novel who had been the one to choose Song as the favorite? She didn't deserve his hostility, she was only doing what any other pup would, and that was what her mother told her to do. Song would sigh as her porcelain paws took her over the ground, she was walking the border as she did daily. Though recently she would always stop in the same place, where she had first spotted that little she wolf who resembled Novel so closely.
Suddenly she realized that was where she was standing, her mismatched gaze would linger over the spot where they stood. Where everything had changed and her conception of her family was totally turned upside down. What had really happened after she left that day? She had wandered into the lands of Alacritis, but what happened in Ahlon? Obviously quite a lot because she had four more siblings to account for. She wished she could see her younger sister again, Novella seemed quite open to Song's side of the story and for that she was thankful. It didn't seem as though she had to endure her mother's favoritism.
