
Conflict of interest




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-31-2020, 02:49 PM

He watched with a wide, lopsided grin as Azariah leapt toward him and straight into the pile of leaves. His deep, rumbling laughter joined hers and for the first time in a very long time he was completely relaxed. There was always so much on his mind between his family and the pack and his worries over both of them that it had been hard for him to turn it off at the end of the day. This was just what the doctor ordered - some ridiculous, silly fun alone with this beautiful woman that held his whole heart. When she nipped at his ear and rolled into his reach, he scooped her up into his embrace and rolled with her till she was perched on top of him. He gazed up at her lovingly, enjoying the view of her lovely face framed by a background of stars and tree branches. His large paws wrapped around her sides and held her steady there while he leaned up to leave a tender kiss on her lips.

"I love you so much, you know that?" he told her softly once their laugher had faded into relaxed chuckles and giggles while they exchanged gentle kisses and nibbles. His paw came up to brush her cheek, his touch gentle and careful like she was the most precious thing in his life - which was mostly true, perhaps only tied with their children. A thought crossed his mind as he thought about their relationship and their future and he felt a bit of guilt twist in his gut. "I'm sorry we haven't gotten to have our wedding yet, my love... With all of the things happening with the pack and our surprise with the pups I think it fell to the wayside and that's not fair to you. You deserve more attention than I've been able to give you." He knew she would probably insist that he was being ridiculous and hard on himself, but it was true. Nothing should come above his family, even the pack.

"How about..." he said as he gave her a gentle squeeze in his embrace, "We take the pups to the Mangroves and we have a little wedding there? Just us, the pups, and my mother? My mother can do the ceremony for us and I'm sure she'd be thrilled to see them again." He had brought Roza into the packlands for just a brief visit before the pups even had their eyes open, but with how busy they had been he hadn't had a chance to arrange another visit. What better reason for a visit than a happy occasion like a wedding? He waited expectantly for Azariah's reaction, wondering if that would suit her or if she would want a more grand affair. Either way he would move the world to give her what she wanted.
