
The sweetest storm cloud

Jane dad date!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-31-2020, 03:05 PM
His little speckled girl's reactions were so exuberant and energetic that he couldn't help but grin. He'd be thrilled to have even a fraction of that energy. He couldn't remember him or Philomena ever being this hyper when they were pups, but he supposed they did have to grow up awfully fast. He was glad that he and Azariah were able to give their children this safe, loving environment to grow up in so that they wouldn't have to experience the heartbreak he had as a child.

When she gave the answer of "all" to his list of possible options he laughed lightly and grinned. "All it is!" He wasn't sure how they'd fit everything in together, but he was mostly just happy to be with his little girl and spend time with her, even if it was just wandering around and telling her stories. Although, the fathering side of him did think that it was a good opportunity to teach her something useful as well so as much as just a fun day sounded nice, it would probably be a better use of time to get a lesson of some sort in there as well.

"Come on, lets go see if we can find some food to eat! Maybe we can find a little something to bring back for your mother too, that would be nice, huh?" With a loose idea of a plan laid out he got up and led the way into the trees that surrounded the area where they lived. Hunting for smaller prey was always a bit more difficult for someone as large as him, but it would be the best place to start for someone as young as her. He found a spot with some denser foliage and bushes for them to crouch down behind and he got down into a hunting crouch in front of her. "Okay! Copy what I do so we can sneak up on our prey," he whispered and waited for her to match for he was lowered to the ground with his legs coiled and ready to leap out as soon as they saw something worth hunting. "There's some rabbit dens up ahead so I bet we'll see some there!"

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