
Adventure is out there!



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
12-31-2020, 03:31 PM
She had fully expected him to immediately beg to stay to see the lake at night time as soon as she mentioned the fact about the lake's namesake and he certainly didn't disappoint. She laughed lightly when he turned his big, amber eyes toward her and gave her the longest, most drawn out "please" she had ever heard. She gave him a long, contemplating look as if she was seriously considering the question, even though she had already made up her mind before they had even gotten to the lake's edge. "Okay, okay, we can stay," she conceded with a grin. They weren't that far from home if she wanted to get him back once they were done looking at the fireflies, but this also wasn't a bad place to set up for the night if they wanted to camp out for a bit. She had already warned Resin that they might not be home tonight so it wasn't like her lover would come looking for them or be worried. Plus, she had left Blue behind to be an extra set of eyes on the other pups for the night.

When Artorias hopped away to chase after a loan dragonfly she grinned and gave a little shake of her head. "Be careful around the water and don't go to far!" she called after him, watching him disappear into the cat tails with a sigh. An easy smile lingered on her muzzle as she turned her attention back toward the water and she settled down onto her stomach on the lake shore. It wasn't very often these days that she got a moment alone so she figured that she might as well take advantage of it and give Artorias a chance to explore and "hunt" within earshot. The lake was so peaceful and it made her a bit sad that they'd be moving so far away from it, but she was certain that there would be other places to enjoy just as much once they made the move to Auster. It never failed that she always found something to miss whenever she moved to a new place. With the place she had been born it was the lush pine tree forest that would get misty in the early morning. When they left the Armada she missed the beach where she would train almost constantly while she was building up her skills. And now-

Her musing and thoughtfulness was cut off by her son calling out to her about a crow that could talk. She blinked with confusion and lifted her head to look in the direction of where his voice came from with a confused, lifted brow. A... what? She got to her paws and hurried off to find him, arriving just in time to see the raven perched on Artorias' back and hear the bird make some kind of comment about education. She blinked with surprise when she saw that her blueberry's seemingly nonsensical comment was actually pretty spot on... besides the part about being a crow when it was actually a raven. Her ears flicked with a bit of worry just from the fact that there was a strange bird perched with its talons on her son's back, but she tried not to worry too much just yet. "Um... Who is this, Artorias?"

Walk | "Talk" | think