First Snow
12-31-2020, 10:09 PM
Autumn reigned for as long as it could but eventually winter moved in. However, to Lúta's delight, winter came in gently. It tested the waters with a light snow falling out of a dove gray sky. Lúta picked her way up the rocky terrain next to the falls with a bundle of abscess root in her mouth. Autumn was the best time to gather it and she had just returned from her final trip. Well, for autumnal herbs anyway as there were still some herbs that could be gathered in the winter though the were few and far between. She had hoped to arrange for a lesson before the end of the gathering season but it just hadn't panned out the way she wanted. Oh well, winter would be a good time to go over lessons as there wasn't as much to be done in the field. Perhaps she should speak with Resin about the best skills to focus on. She did have some dried moss that might be good to share with less knowledgeable healers.