
that girl named tennessee



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-01-2021, 10:26 AM

Muzet drank the attention the male gave her, whether it was serious or not. But she would honestly hope it was less serious anyway. His worries about her pack affiliation were obviously unknown to her but they should have been little to no worry. Sure Muzet was still valued by her pack, even with her current ailment. But she would certainly get Scully a pass as long as he helped her if needed. The pack would be more grateful for her safe return than anything. Or even as long as he didn't hurt her further and chose to leave instead.

Her overly flattered appearance wouldn't falter as she turned to proceed her adventure into the woods. "Well, there isn't much left to gather but I usually come out looking for herbs." She would go to walk off, hoping the male would accept her silent offer for the stroll. Lifting her stiff leg slightly to mention, "I can't do much else for a bit longer." Though her leg was something binding her down from her more enjoyable duties, she wouldn't let the weakness affect her more happy-go-lucky attitude. Even at her small worries of being seen as dead weight around her pack.

Walking on, her head turned to the male with a raised brow, not minding if he chose to walk beside or even a little in front of her. His company meant more to her than he knew. "You got a name, stranger?" Her coo moved off of him and forward onto her path, "You can call me Muzet."

Walk "Talk" Think

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread