
Free Range Pup!



10 Years
09-11-2013, 06:37 PM

Another day, another opportunity for Odette to have her imagination run wild. She had left the den with the idea that another piece of the beach had to be conquered by Yours Truly. However, that idea left her mind when she realized that since she was a Rogue pup, there weren't any pack boundaries. Therefore, the world that was out there was hers for the taking! She had left her parents with loving nuzzles, told them, "Going to conquer the world, Papa and Mama," and was off like a bullet.
She hadn't even thought about getting her siblings up for this journey. The company would have been nice, but she didn't think of this until she was more than a mile from the den. Odette had looked back to face the small world she had left, but her decisions had already been made. With a small bit of regret in her chest, she let it out with a soft whimper before continuing on through the unfamiliar grass.
At four and a half months, Odette was growing a little each day. She had noticed them when her belly wasn't as close to the ground as it had been that summer. The young girl didn't really contemplate on her body changing, but she knew that time made things change... Bodies were probably part of those things. Her paws, which were also stretching away from her belly, graced across the grass at a steady pace. Odette wasn't tired yet!
Odette wasn't sure how long she had travelled. Her determination for conquering the world had sustained her across the grand continent of Alacritis to the Western Hemisphere. It was indeed a miracle that she hadn't run across any evil wolves or other obstacles that could deter her from her mission (ie, poisonous snakes, bugs, or holes that led to nowhere). She didn't know how lucky she was, but Lady Luck had looked down on Odette fondly since birth anyway.
Thanks to the unseen Lady Luck, Odette was safely in Valhallan borders. The sustenance she had from her puppy thoughts was now wearing off and she began to tire. Her mind was beginning to get weary, giving her a good reason to not realize she was in pack territory. All she could think about was eating some delicious rabbit from Papa's catch of the day and a long draught of water. Instead, she shivered from the slightly cool autumn breezes and curled up beneath a nearby pine. As the green needles changed to light brown and gold, Odette began to whimper. She looked around with eyes, registering with fear for the first time. Why did she decide to venture so far from home? By herself? "Oh God..." she said, tears forming in her eyes. "I shouldn't have left...Paaapaaaa!!" She wailed, freely crying into her front paws. She wanted her daddy, more than anything at that point.

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