
that girl named tennessee



2 Years
01-01-2021, 06:55 PM
S c u l l y ➶ A r c h e r

Ah, it wasn't his first choice, but it was still something easy. Scully found himself convinced, and followed at the woman's side. Maybe they'd cross paths with something small and easily caught in the process. After all, this task would involve sweeping a swath of land, especially given how thinned the plants were becoming. Thankfully, Scully had plenty practice spotting what was useful from amongst the noise of impotent flora due to his time in the Dell. The pack was often tending to the forests and plains and reaping the rewards for their stores.

His silver eyes jumped to work as they walked, but would occasionally stray from their surroundings to pass over her figure appreciatively. If he'd guessed the name of the game right, then he understood that the true currency in their little exchange here was attention. Scully had no problems with a little mutual indulgence. He would've bumped shoulders with the girl here and there as well, a common and playful interaction with the young man, but refrained so as not to jolt whatever was paining her.

Speaking of, she finally acknowledged the handicap, but only briefly. Scully did wonder what she'd done to become as injured as she appeared. Fell down a hill, kicked by a buck, death match with a random passerby? His imagination fed him a multitude of possibilities, most of which were rather unlikely.

"A true pleasure, Muzet," he winked, "I'm Scully."

In nearly the same moment his eyes caught a glimpse of red amongst the dark shades of earth and forest green. He picked up into a trot, gaining a few yards on his companion as he investigated. As suspected, tucked amongst the tree roots was a patch of valerian. Most of the tiny, clustered flowers were thoroughly withered, but a few remained soft to the touch and vivid in color. Scully gathered them betwixt his teeth, ensuring the roots came along with each to maximize what the flirtatious herbalist could utilize the plants for. It was a start.

He returned to her, bowing playfully and presenting the gathered herbs like a bouquet; voila!

Word Count: 352