
Never drop your guard


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-01-2021, 09:42 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Rudy was now a master of hiding in one spot and waiting, at least in his own mind.  It was harder to sneak up on someone when they are in a spot before you.  Rudyard had worked at that plenty already but he still wasn’t good enough.  It wouldn’t be good enough till he could confidently sneak up and surprise both his mom’s.  Today’s target was more humble though, Arty.  It was his duty to try and sneak up on Art for his brother’s sake.  Art had to be kept on his toes even when he was training and clearly, that was the main reason by choice of target.  

Rudy found a pool that could be deep when full but currently it was only half filled and it had a small ledge partway in a careful pup could climb onto.  It was not in the water at this particular moment, though the ridge was small enough his tail ended up in the water and his legs were pressed tightly together.  Tail in water didn’t count as playing in the pool, right?

Art would be walking up and down here for his exercise.  Rudy waited in his spot, listening for Art to pass by.  Paw steps were heard and Rudy waited for them to pass.  Waiting taught him a lesson about choosing your hiding spot.  His muscles felt cramped and it was so hard not to move and make noise to loosen them up.  The steps went past and Rudy counted a few seconds before peeking his head out to spot Art.  Perfect!  Slowly he climbed from his spot, his now soaked tail offering a sure story of where he had been.  Crouched low he tried to stay low and silent so he could close the distance to be in proper pouncing range.