
it is the way

Cairo II

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-01-2021, 10:03 PM

He listened, smiling with a satisfied nod as she spoke of how she was doing, and he added a cheerful, “I’m glad,” as she finished. From what he’d gleaned of her past during their first meeting, her past way of life differed from Valhalla’s – and probably many other packs these days. It was probably a culture shock, to say the least. But she was adaptable, so he had faith in her.

As she posed her question, albeit hesitantly, he grinned, tail tapping the ground good-naturedly. “I’d be happy to. I enjoy the process, so I take any excuse I can. Come on.”

He glanced at Enito as he spoke, and at the monkey’s nod he rose to his paws and led the way out of the open plainsland into the wooded hillock, tail flagging lazily in the air as he followed the narrow game trail that led deeper into the trees. All but the evergreens had fully shed their leaves, and the air had that crisp cold to it that said Winter had arrived, slowly sneaking in.

Finally, they reached the very base of the hill, and the craggy ravine that opened into the side of it. At its heart was a wider area where the narrow, high ravine walls spread apart, and the sunlight dappled through a natural lattice of vines that in spring and summer often held blooms that he’d not learned the name of, yet—he simply hadn’t thought to ask. The floor here was soft sand that clearly saw a lot of activity, from pups playing to sparring.

The heavy polar bear hide was up, now, keeping warmth in the cave, but it was held aside in a hide thong, leaving the way open.

He invited Rhae with a flick of his tail as he mounted the three natural stone steps and into the cave itself. Black stone struck through with veins of gold, shimmers of mica made up the cave. Alcoves branched off almost consistently from the main chamber, and he led her to one, nodding to the rolls of hides and fur.

“This,” He stated, resting a paw on a roll that was particularly thick, “Is Bison hide. More specifically, bull bison hide. Their hides are thick, tough, and withstand bites and clawing very well, especially when boiled and hardened.”

He stepped aside to let her get a better look, grinning easily.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think