
This Christmas I'll Burn It To The Ground!

Pack Takeover



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
01-01-2021, 11:27 PM
Ever since her mother's death, she found herself sinking further and further into her studies. There was a certain solace in loosing herself in the things she could control like organizing herbs and scouring the world for things that could be helpful later. She had even taken to hunting a bit here and there though she didn't think that would ever be her passion or talent. Anything that would keep her busy and distracted seemed like the best use of her time. Because of this, she hadn't really paid much attention to anything going on around the pack. The howl she heard while she was out hunting for the last remaining plants that were clinging to life this late in the season caught her attention and made her lift her head to listen. She wasn't entirely sure who the voice belonged to, but the challenge held in that call made her ears flick uncertainly. Feeling as though everyone should be there, including herself, she abandoned her task to head toward the ship on the other side of the territory. By the time she arrived a fairly sizable crowd had gathered and she had to lean one way and the other to peek around everyone to see what was going on. She saw the red male at the bow of the ship - Ignis was his name if she remembered correctly. She also saw Winter there facing off with him who she only recognized because of the last pack meeting. Uncertain and confused about what was going on, she went to the only truly familiar face in the crowd and found her place beside Océan. At least her brother was here even though she hadn't really spent much time with him as of late either. All of this was just making her realize how disconnected she was from the pack as a whole and she tried her best to put her own issues to the back of her mind as she refocused on whatever it was that has happening ahead of them.

Walk | "Talk" | think