
Meet and greet




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-01-2021, 11:43 PM

Plague found himself standing in front of the dark male that looked like perhaps his markings had come directly from fire and he gave him a small, pleasant smile while his emerald eyes sized him up. He was a fair bit shorter and lighter in build than himself, but he was also aware that he was taller than what was perhaps deemed "average". The markings he carried were intriguing and quite bold so that much Plague could appreciate and find a certain beauty in. When the attention was turned to the skull attached to his armor over his shoulder he glanced toward it with a chuckle. "Yes... I'd tell you how I came across it, but I'm not sure you'd believe me." That night still felt like a surreal nightmare even to himself and he had been the one to live it. Casting his gaze back toward the male in front of him, he added, "I'm Plague Klein-Abraxas. A pleasure to meet you, Lament."

He wasn't exactly the most sociable wolf in the world, but Lament had caught him in a good mood so he felt like he should at least take advantage of the moment to get to know someone that was new to the pack. He gave a small nod to the path he had been walking and told him, "I was just in the middle of doing a patrol to get a bit of time wearing this armor to make sure it doesn't need any alterations. Would you like to join me?" As another thought crossed his mind he raised a curious brow at the male and added, "Or perhaps you'd be interested in a spar? Some real world testing would probably be more beneficial."
