
Life isn't always what you think it'd be



2 Years
01-02-2021, 07:07 AM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2021, 07:29 AM by Caedmon.)
As the trio travelled through a myriad of different lands, Caedmon had stayed a couple wolf lengths behind the two others, eyes and ears on alert for anything that could be considered dangerous. They had come a long way from their homeland, and the russet male could not remember the last time the three had stayed in one place for too long before venturing forth out into the unknown time and time again. What he did know was that it was cold, so very cold. The harsh icy winds nipped at his cheeks, and the packed snow he walked upon numbed his paws.
This place was desolate and devoid of any life as far as the eyes could see.
Caedmon squinted his eyes against the bright glare of the snow as he looked ahead of the two wolves walking just in front of him. He could see multiple structures rising into the air that looked like ice, glinting in the sunlight. As the trio got closer, he could see a frozen lake come into view, stretching far into the distance. The russet male broke into a trot to pass the other two before coming to a stop at the edge of the lake.
Brows furrowed, he gently stepped one front paw onto the lakes’ surface, and when it did not crack, put most of his weight onto the paw. Still, the ice did not crack, or even show that he had done anything at all, other than leave a smooth surface where he had put his paw.
"The ice seems pretty thick," Caedmon rumbled as he turned his head to look at his brother. The icy lake would require some further testing before he would be happy to walk on it, but he was happy to know there would be no accidentally falling in. Finding a place to drink however, was a whole other challenge he did not yet have an answer to.
Caedmon Kearney -Quinn and Eirnan may join any threads Caedmon is in even if they are marked private as they are travelling together in a group
[Image: EKL1BiU.png]