
Angel like you




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
01-02-2021, 12:29 PM
Elise returned his expression, just as mischievous and lustful as his own. He couldn’t help the grin that played on his features as she licked his nose teasingly. A deep bubbling growl rumbled from his chest, the feeling of her teeth on his jaw making his eyes roll into the back of his head in pleasure. She distracted him enough that he hardly noticed she was leaving him until she pulled away from his grasp while reminding him about their meal. Had he not enjoyed the build up so much he might have gotten himself to his feet then and grabbed her, the temptation was real. However the chase was just as much fun as the destination.

”Fish, I think.” He answered absently, not hiding how much he was distracted by the subtle sway of her hips or the curve of her waist. Iroh made himself comfortable since he was going to enjoy the show. He took in the soft look of her well groomed fur, the playful glint in her bright gaze, and the careful way she thought about every movement and made them for him. He was surprised when she didn’t immediately bring the platter over to their tent, and watched curiously as she warmed the stone before bringing a bit of liquor closer.

He watched just as intently as she made her way back to the nest and lips lips curled into an expectant smirk at her words. Like the night at the beach, spiked tea to warm them up on a cool Autumn night. She wasn’t the only one he’d enjoyed that night but she was the only one he couldn’t stop thinking about. The one he truly wanted. ”I could agree to that.” He offered deeply before taking a straight swig of the liquid. With an amused chuckle he poured a bit into each bowl.

He couldn’t help his blue and lavender gaze returning to Elise, and he didn’t hide the way he couldn’t stop admiring her. ”You’re making dinner hard to wait on,” Iroh rumbled teasingly as he stretched his paws out and tried to settle the eager building in his belly. ”You shouldn’t stop though.” He winked as he exaggerated the way he admired her beautiful form.
Where My Demons Hide