
Life isn't always what you think it'd be



2 Years
01-02-2021, 02:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2021, 08:36 PM by Eirnan.)

Your hands protect the flames from the wild winds around you

Eirnan’s eyes flashed cautiously around the territory. It was fun to explore new lands, and it gave her a sense of adventure as well as a sense of purpose. She stuck close to Quinn, feeling the most comfort at his side as she kept her head on a swivel, prepared for anything that might jump out at them. She frequently glanced up at the sky to track the sun as it travelled through the sky so that she might recommend the right time to stop and rest for the day. They had time, her paws crunching in the snow with a soft hum as she captured her surroundings.

There wasn’t a scent on the wind, apart from that of her mate’s and Caedmon’s. A soft shiver ran down her spine, watching as Caedmon tested the surface of the lake hesitantly, wondering if he would fall in. It appeared they were fortunate in that regard. “I’d prefer not to test our luck for now.” She mused aloud, knowing that falling into a lake in the middle of winter was a sure fire way to get hypothermia. She wasn’t a healer, but she knew at least that much. Her sister, Brigid, had been the healer and around this time she couldn’t help but wonder where she had wandered off to after they had parted ways.

She glanced around once more with a soft hum before an idea struck her. “Perhaps there’s some kind of stream that feeds into the lake? It’s likely frozen over as well, but the ice would probably be easier to break and we’d be able to drink from it.” She suggested glancing between the two to see if they had any better ideas. All they needed was enough to tide them over. If they made their way further south, then perhaps things would be warmer, if only slightly, and water would be easier to access.


As her travelling companions. Quinn and/or Caedmon may enter any of Eirnan's threads regardless of whether or not they are private.