
Life isn't always what you think it'd be



2 Years
01-02-2021, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2021, 04:18 AM by Caedmon.)
Caedmon curtly nodded at Eirnans' words, stepping back from the edge of the lake until he was standing back on the snowy ground. He agreed with her; there was no point in taking a risk that could easily end up with one of them dead. Turning himself around to face her as she spoke again, the russet male made a hum of agreement. Finding water that was drinkable was a high priority right now as they could find time to hunt at a later point when they moved further down south where, hopefully, the climate was a little less frigid and inhospitable.
His gaze shifted to Quinn as he spoke, brows furrowed as he thought over the suggested plan. Caedmon was not in favour of the trio splitting up, there was no telling what ferocious creature could be lurking behind any pillar of ice or mound of packed, icy snow. But his brother was right; using a higher point as a lookout would serve them well in finding water. The russet male finally nodded after mulling over his thoughts. "Alright," he said in agreement. As long as they were all safe and did not stray too far from each other, the plan was acceptable.
Caedmon gently bumped his muzzle against his brothers' shoulder, a silent plea asking him to stay safe. He did not like being too far apart from his younger sibling, especially in this unknown and potentially dangerous place. It was his job to keep Quinn safe, so that their family bloodline and traditions could continue for generations to come with his brother as their leader. But the russet male knew Quinn to be level-headed and focused when it was required of him.
Caedmon stepped back and glanced briefly at the lake before looking at Eirnan. "We should find one of those icy pillars close to the edge of the lake, I don't want either of us venturing too far out on the ice." He did not have to finish that thought, they all knew the dangers of what falling into the icy waters could mean.
Caedmon Kearney -Quinn and Eirnan may join any threads Caedmon is in even if they are marked private as they are travelling together in a group
[Image: EKL1BiU.png]