
Life isn't always what you think it'd be



2 Years
01-02-2021, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2021, 08:36 PM by Eirnan.)

Your hands protect the flames from the wild winds around you

They went back and forth with their plans, though she was pleased to see Caedmon agree with her in regards to not testing their luck. The last thing they needed was illness or death. Family was everything, and they were her family now. She turned her attention to her mate, listening as he imparted his wisdom. She knew he was right too. Eirnan was the navigator of the group, in charge of tracking the lands they travelled through and using nature and the sky to find their way for them… whereas he was the healer to keep them all alive and Caedmon was the fighter to keep them safe. It was a diverse range of skills that she relied on.

She hummed softly in agreement, a quick lick to her mate’s cheek before she spoke. “Of course, Love.” The words floated easily off her tongue as she often adored sweeter names to express her affection. “Stay safe, and if you feel the ground beneath you starting to give, run back to safety.” The words came as a soft plea. She cared more about his safety than finding water instantly. She nodded softly at Caed’s suggestion, moving towards the icy pillars as she eyed them warily. She was going to have to be incredibly careful of where she placed her paws to avoid slipping and falling.

She started her venture, climbing up onto the icy pillar close to the lake, digging her claws into the ice as best as possible to maintain her balance as she carefully traversed the perilous landscape until she reached it’s peak, taking a look out over the lands and surveying them for something that they could use. “Love, if we circle around the lake, it looks like there is a thawing to the south.” It could provide them some of the relief they needed in that moment. It didn’t help with the current water problem however. With eyes narrowed, she continued to look around. “It looks like to the south and east, there is a water source. I don’t know if it’s fresh or not.” That would be impossible to tell from her roost.


As her travelling companions. Quinn and/or Caedmon may enter any of Eirnan's threads regardless of whether or not they are private.