
let it snow

Caed, seasonal prompt



2 Years
01-02-2021, 10:38 PM

navigate the broken world

If winter met it’s end this season, and never returned, Eirnan did not think that she would bat an eye or even shed a tear of remorse. She supposed it was important, as was death in the cycle of life, but it did not mean she had to take joy in it. She turned her head to see it was Caedmon who had been following so diligently behind her. She expected nothing less; he acted every bit the guardian that she knew he was for not only her but her mate as well. He truly was the best brother-in-law she could ask for.

He kept them safe, and healthy, and the three of them operated as a unit, together as it should be. She handled the terrain just as they handled the defense and healing aspects of their lives. It was through travelling together that the trio had become a well-oiled machine. She caught his words and met the frown with a soft nod. It was indeed. Her ears pressed down lightly against her skull as she squinted into the distance. “I think it best to head east and try to find some shelter. This storm popped out of nowhere, and it would be dangerous to continue in it.” She explained, though she knew that they trusted her word for she would never guide them wrong purposefully.

Blue orbs tracked along the storm with a soft sigh. “East seems the best option. West is nothing but ocean, north would be foolish in the winter and the steam to the south suggests less than habitable conditions… it invites injury.” That was her final call about the decision. “It appears we have very few choices.” There was some dry amusement in her tone. The throngs of winter had a bad habit of taking away choice from the equation completely.

“I think the water source to the east was viable. Worst case scenario we could eat the snow… a last resort my tongue would rather avoid, admittedly.” It would be frigid, but it would get the job done in the meantime. It would hydrate.


As her travelling companions. Quinn and/or Caedmon may enter any of Eirnan's threads regardless of whether or not they are private.