
as we collide


09-11-2013, 07:59 PM

Defenses remained upheld, his head lowered over his breast, as best it could, and his chin tucked as well as it could be given the fact he was attempting to snag her shoulder. Jaws were, obviously open, and his limbs were bent with his weight perfectly, and evenly, distributed, between the three grounded ones (as one was attacking). Tail was struck out to act as a rudder and proclaim his dominance over the little woman. He wanted to watch her world crash around her. Hopefully, defeat would do that. Eyes narrowed in, ears rocked back, and claws tapped onto the earth tapering lightly for what traction he could get.

Spine in alignment he would grimace as his own left shoulder was too far off to do any damage. Originally, yes, he would have met his target, though now, with her weaving in, he was not granted such a beautiful thing. The bony edge of her right shoulder would slam into his chest, and he would slightly bow back so the damage dealt was not so efficient. Instead of complete and volatile bruising, he was merely faced with moderate bruising that would only turn into tender to touch areas. Her right paw would slam down onto his left paw's toes and easily meet their mark, and he could feel the slight crack of what felt to be the two left-most toes. They weren't broken, but they weren't in perfect condition. Fractures perhaps? Finally, her jaws surged forward in an attempt to grasp his neck, however, (quote: from post one: "Shoulders rocked forward to defend his vitals." Neck is protected.) Teeth would lightly grasp the flesh, but mostly the rolls of fur that encumbered his neck. 1/8 inch deep cuts from her four main canines would appear on his neck, however, a decent bit of fur would follow her pulling motion and be ripped from his neck. That, hurt substantially more than her teeth actually meeting his skin.

As her shoulder had come forward to hit him, he had lowered his left limb back to the ground, transferring weight back onto all fours. His right shoulder would then attempt to take his right shoulder, instead of his left, and slam it into the base of her neck, dead center with her chest. Teeth would again attempt to snap into the shoulder he had attacked before (her right). Hopefully, both attacks would land, and he would have a decent advantage, something that would hopefully daze her for a good moment. He just wanted to dance around and see what he could get. Hopefully, he'd get her to open up. He wouldn't move his limb from the ground again, especially given that the toes were so heavily damaged, but he would attempt to shove her forward to hopefully lessen the stability she had on the earth. His back legs would bend slightly more before he ushered his body forward in a mere attempt to force his weight towards her and into her.

Gideon vs. Argent for Gideon & Abortion

Round two of three