
let it snow

Caed, seasonal prompt



2 Years
01-02-2021, 11:50 PM
Caedmon smiled briefly as she returned the bumping of shoulders, glad she felt the same about keeping a more optimistic mindset for the time being. His ears pricked when she mentioned spotting a cave not far to the east. That could hold them over until the night passed and they were able to travel again. Wandering around in unknown lands while darkness took hold was a very bad idea, even without a snowstorm potentially heading their way. He just hoped there was no creature hiding in the cave that would react angrily to them intruding. While always happy to step in and defend his family with a show of brute strength, he would rather avoid it until they became more settled in a place where Quinn could find those healing herbs of his. A festering wound would only spell out certain death at a time like this.
The russet male nodded again when Eirnan spoke, humming in agreement. As long as they were together they were safer, so for the moment his number one task was to return to Quinn, then go find that cave and hope it was empty and also large enough to fit the three of them. While Caedmon was not the largest nor heaviest wolf out there, he definitely needed a little extra space than his two companions, particularly if he wished to stretch his legs out.
His eyes drifted southward back to where Eirnan had been looking before, eyeing the plume of steam rising ever upwards beyond the clouds. If she said there was no reason to head that way, what with the storm and undrinkable water, then he had no intention of getting any closer to it. Although warming up even for just a few minutes was a nice idea. He was tired of his paws being numb and nose stinging from the cold.
Giving a rough shake of his whole body to rid his fur of the accumulating snow, Caedmon turned towards the north with a swish of his tail, giving a brief glance at the snow particles now falling steadily towards the ground before looking at the tawny female. He was sure she knew how long they had before night fell, but he was not one to waste time when they could be doing something, and so inclined his head in the direction that would lead them back to Quinn. An invitation for Eirnan to start heading back, before the weather turned for the worse. "After you," he said, patiently waiting for her to start walking so he could follow behind her.
Caedmon Kearney -Quinn and Eirnan may join any threads Caedmon is in even if they are marked private as they are travelling together in a group
[Image: EKL1BiU.png]