
No One Left To Blame It On




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
01-05-2021, 12:04 PM

Viper wasn't used to having freedom inside a pack. She spent the last week or so with a high anxiety around the borders. There was a small part of her that was scared to cross them or scared to leave the pack. She was punished severely for trespassing into Fireside, and she lived most of her life confined like a slave.

Still, she somehow mustered the courage to go past the borders and into the surrounding lands of Ashen and it's sister pack. It was pretty crowded here in the eastern-southern lands, and it did make her anxious in general. She had spent a good few years on her own, but she was hiding from her grandfather after all. She avoided most wolves in general up until the last couple seasons. She stayed in the bushes and lurked by others, taking their leftovers when necessary and just observing and eavesdropping on them. Her lack to want to learn from others along with her early life being void of nurturing and parental figures had distorted her development up to now, and her eyes hadn't opened to the fact that she was different until she sought Jupiter in Fireside. But she still wanted to avoid the new feelings of her self esteem and just continue on with her life.

The familiar scent of The Hallows made her scrunch her nose in a bit of disgust. She didn't recognize the fact that it was the scent of Aranea in their most recent encounter, again another common sense type of thing for any ordinary wolf. But she would ignore the thought of perhaps danger and instead of dwelling on those bad feelings, sought out her own kill for Ashen. Hattori had told her to take it easy and regain her strength, but as much as she was worried about leaving Ashen's lands, she wanted more to go out and hunt and fill her days with something other than wander.

She stalked around the woods, trying to track an easy prey to bring down. The colder months were moving in and they had a few flurries here and there, nothing Viper wasn't used to since she lived in the north most her life and returned after her imprisonment in Fireside. Her nose remained low to the ground as she went around the trunks and vines of the weeping trees, her mind focused on the sounds and movements around her. She was feeling unlucky today, thinking she wouldn't find anything. She followed the feathery scent of what she believed would be her only option of a kill. Her eyes keen as she saw the waddling of the goose almost camouflaged with the trees and lightly snow covered ground. Silent, she stalked carefully around the maze, her weight easy to not struggle at making any noise. She was surprised at how close she was, or how well she was going to take this first kill back to Ashen. Perhaps earn her keep if it was that easy. Finally, she would pounce and go to put her teeth around the goose's long neck. She was usually pretty quick to put an end to her meals, but she would be in for quite the surprise before that could happen.

Seasonal Bonus Prompt - Steal the Goose!

Total Word Count: 540 words
Word Count Goal: 2500 words

Walk "Talk" Think