
Some Things Just Don't Go As Planned




7 Years
Chrono I

01-03-2021, 03:29 PM

She didn't expect Nuada to lash out, and as her daughter went to tower over her she would only cower under her slightly. Usually she would flee at the sign of danger, but she felt that there was no true danger here with Nuada. Perhaps she thought she could talk her down before they could have a real conversation. But she hadn't seen her daughter in many years and knew nothing of what happened to her in that time. Her body showed what looked like abuse, and it pained Aranea to imagine what had happened to her in her absent time.

When Nuada came at her with her teeth, she stayed still like a statue. She was almost in awe that her daughter would attack her and honestly wouldn't comprehend why. Why did she not respond to her name? How did she become so violent? Tyranis didn't have the best temper in the long run and Aranea couldn't help the small feeling in the back of her mind thinking it was her fault she ended up this way. True or not, it was how Nuada felt. She did blame Aranea for her tragedy. Though she felt like she had the skills and will to survive on her own at that young age and may have even seen the situation as a favor to her, she still resented her mother for lying on the floor of their family den and wanting to die rather than move on and care for her like she should.

Aranea yelped as Nuada grabbed hold of her ear and teared out a piece of it. But still in shock, she wouldn't go to shout out to her anymore. As much as it pained her to watch her lost daughter run off into the distance, instinct told her to let her go. And after the adrenaline would wear off, she would have certainly regretted not doing more to make her stay. For now her tiny body laid stomach down in the grasses, her neck curled in with her nose in between her front legs as she tried to put together what exactly had happened. And soon she would want a plan to find Nuada again.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead