
Mommy's Not Here Right Now

Allegro + Kids



7 Years
Chrono I

01-03-2021, 04:07 PM
Walk | "Talk" | Think

It had only been a couple days since Aranea had her run in with Nuada. She still couldn't really make sense of what happened and since then it was the only thing on her mind. She had been happy for what seemed like a whole season at least and now that her thought-to-be-dead daughter appeared back into her life she wasn't sure how to shuffle the emotions. In her past she pushed Nuada away, only unknowingly due to her state of depression after being left behind by her lover and thieved of her son. Still, she blamed herself for what happened. And now looking at Nuada's beaten and frail body, she couldn't feel any more guilty.

She came to the cliffs to sort out these feelings. She wasn't on the cliff's edge but was sitting facing the ocean's horizon. If Allegro was out or even around his den in the Serpent Plains, he could have caught on to her scent nearby. She didn't expect him to come, but there was still a longing for his comfort. She would have never entered Abaven without his escort or without asking permission herself. But she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted his company. Of course she craved his embrace but she felt she was continuously a nuisance with all of her emotional baggage. Not that he really cared that she drug it along.

Her ear was noticeably clipped and would remain torn for the remainder of her life. Though there was a lot more attention drawn to it now while it was scabbed and irritated and still a little bloody from time to time. Aranea thought highly of her appearance but surprisingly the clip didn't bother her too much. It was only thinking of the worry her small maim would put on Allegro. She already had to deal with putting the attack off as nothing serious to her pack. But it seemed her explaining would go a little differently in the eyes of her lover.

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead