
you gotta fight for your right to laze

Judas I


3 Years
01-03-2021, 07:26 PM
The dark Archer couldn’t help the smirk on his lips from spreading, listening to his son's agreement that Scully should be the one pranked for once. ”No, I don’t think so, at least not just yet.” He went onto answer his son at the mentioning on what he planned on doing and if he would be returning home, now that he knew his son was all safe and well. ”I think it would be best to hunker down for winter. Traveling is never exactly safe, Judas went on to teach his son as he spoke, But it is never smart at all to do during winter. There is a willow forest I'm going to be staying at. If you follow this river, He spoke, pointing his muzzle now to the river just along the outskirts of this open plain, ”It will lead you south. You’ll come along to the beginnings of the willows and it stretches further south from there.

He did not know if his son planned to stay with Scully and Avella a little longer, but if anything at least his kid will know where to find him-somewhere safe he could go to. If he didn’t join up with him soon, Judas reckoned he wouldn’t have any problems with coming back here looking for him. ”Ramiel and Ellery are with me.” He then informed. Surely he would think that with Ellery with them she had every intention of bringing Clouse home promptly. And she did. Just not during Winter. ”They are on the same page too.” He added, so not to worry about being snatched up and taken back to the Dell despite Judas' words.