
Angel like you




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
01-03-2021, 07:50 PM
With Iroh's dinner order taken, she gave him a grin and turned back to where she had set up her cooking surface. She was certain she wasn't going to do this perfectly, but she was sure that neither of them would really care. Dinner was really more of an after thought at this point with their anticipation at the main event for the night dulling the attractiveness of all these meats and berries. Even with all the time she had spent putting this meal together, she couldn't really say she was disappointed that it wasn't getting much attention. She would much rather have Iroh's roaming eyes focused on her anyway. She soaked up his attention like a sponge and was always hungry for more. His words about how she made dinner hard to wait on made her peer back at him over her shoulder with a grin, chuckling at him when he insisted that she not stop. "I wouldn't dream of it, my love," she replied before looking back down at the meat that she had laid across the flat rock that was now plenty hot. Her tail flicked occasionally while she watched it cook, almost too distracted with making sure she was giving him pleasant, shifting angles of herself to admire to really pay attention to what she was doing.

A fish that she had removed the scales from was laid out in front of her along with a fairly thin strip of steak from a deer that she had "borrowed" from Aerie's food store. She could fend for herself pretty well, but bringing down a whole deer on her own might be a bit of a stretch so she was willing to get her supplies where she could find them. She hummed thoughtfully and dipped her chest down toward the ground while her tail curled over her back, pretending to get a closer look at the sizzling meats to give a thin cover up for her actual intentions. The smirk that remained on her lips certainly gave her away, but she was still enjoying the charade of it all. Standing up again, she carefully used her claws to scoop one edge of the meats and flip them over so they could continue to cook on the other side while she turned to go back to where Iroh was laying, sauntering across the few feet between him and the fire.

Giving him a lustful grin, Elise took a long drink from the bottle of alcoholic liquid, feeling the warm burn of it begin to tingle and spread through her limbs with each swallow. As if she needed any other encouragement to be loose and playful with him... Setting the bottle down again with a chuckle she brought her muzzle to his with a firm, insistent kiss that she let linger on about as long as she dared. Any longer and she might have abandoned their dinner all together. It took a good bit of effort to get herself to leave his lips, but eventually she did with a love drunk glance and another amused grin before she went back to collect their dinner. She wasn't sure how long it was supposed to warm by the fire for, but it was certainly as long as she could stand giving her attention to such a task. Picking up both pieces of meat gently between her teeth, she brought them back to the spot where they would surely spend the rest of their evening and laid out the fish in front of him before setting out the deer steak in front of where she would lay beside him. "Dinner is served," she announced with a flourish of her paw and a light giggle before she settled down beside him again, heavily leaning into his side and trying to ignore how delectable his fur felt against hers.

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