
One weaf two weaf



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
01-03-2021, 08:03 PM
The sound of something shifting and scratching against the roof above her was what tipped her off to someone approaching her even before she looked up and saw Artorias standing in the door way of the hut. Gwyn perked up with a bit of surprise, blinking at her brother for a moment when he questioned what she was doing here alone since she definitely wasn't expecting any company - especially from her brother who was definitely far more interested in stuff like fighting than anything to do with healing. She thought maybe Bowen might appear at some point, but she was glad to see Artorias too. She didn't spend nearly as much time with her brothers as she did her sisters so it was a nice change. Still, she was a little embarrassed for him to find her tucked away by herself with just leaves keeping her company like this and her ears flicked back shyly while she gave him a small smile.

"Oh, um... hi, Artorias," she replied while she tried to figure out how she could explain what she was doing without it sounding completely lame and silly. "I was just doing some studying... There's so many herbs to remember, you know! And I wanted to think of some questions about them to ask Indigo so like... how do I know what I don't know without seeing what I do know, you know?" Did that made any sense? Gosh, she hoped so. The bit about thinking of questions for Indigo wasn't entirely true, but it also wasn't entirely false either. She'd definitely have more questions for the big, purple healer when she was all done doing her practicing today, but she still would have been in here studying and practicing without a "reason" to do so. It just felt easier to talk about if she at least at a purpose behind it.

She shuffled her paws awkwardly on the fur under her for a moment before offering, "Um... Do you wanna learn about herbs too? Telling you about them might make it easier to remember." She knew he probably wouldn't care about it at all, but knowing Artorias he'd probably still agree to be nice. That was one of the things she loved about her brother.

Walk | "Talk" | think