
I like those odds

Winter seasonal



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-03-2021, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2021, 09:21 PM by Plague.)

Fighting the dummy he had created for himself only got him so far. It was good enough for getting the hang of swinging his new weapon and gave him a chance to perfect the construction of it, but he needed a new target - preferably a moving target. He needed to know if this tool he had crafted was actually going to serve him well in battle or if it was going to be too much of a hindrance to bother with. The only way he would know was to actually put it into practice. He found a place on the archipelago that was a wide enough area that it would make a good enough area to fight and he rolled his shoulders, adjusting how his armor sat against his body. The leather brace had gone though several tweaks and edits to make sure it fit like a glove, but the longer he wore it the more the leather formed and molded to his body and the more comfortable it became. The skull on his shoulder was an ever present feature through every iteration and he finally decided that it would remain as a permanent feature of his armor no matter how he changed it. He had grown attached to it as strange as it sounded and didn't feel like giving it up now.

With the flail he had created waiting at his paws, he lifted his head to let out a howl, calling any of the fighters of the pack to come for a training session of sorts. There was a bit of warning in his tone - he didn't intend to go easy on whoever appeared in front of him. He needed practice - real practice - that he wasn't going to get on his own or from anyone that would shy away from a hard fight. He couldn't imagine that many of his family members at least would have an issue with participating in such a fight, but he wasn't so sure about these newer wolves that had found themselves among their ranks. As his call tapered out into an echo, he rolled his shoulders again and waited eagerly for someone to emerge from the trees in front of him. The ocean crashed steadily against the shore behind him and his breath created small clouds of fog in front of his nose in the bitterly cold winter air despite the bright, shining sun that was beaming down above him. Yes, today was a good day for a fight.

wc: 421
total wc: 421/1500
