
Angel like you




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
01-03-2021, 09:58 PM
Elise played her hand to the fullest, he let her know it to but that just made it all more fun. She looked over her shoulder at him, mischief playing in her eyes as she answered him. He watched as the light from the cookfire played over her rust and ivory fur, and she made sure to accentuate every little movement as she focused on their meal. Or played like she was cooking, because her little grin and the way she looked back at him at opportune moments gave away where her focus was distracted. After she gave the flesh a flip her attentioned turned to him and the bottle he was babysitting.

Iroh shifted, unable to keep himself still as he committed to enjoying the show before the main course. When she indulged in a kiss Iroh very nearly forgot about their dinner altogether. He followed her as she pulled away, and after savoring the passionate moment only barely allowed her to return to the filets. He sighed wistfully, and very obviously didn’t and couldn't take his eyes off her. She presented their food and none too soon returned to his side. She leaned against him as he did to her.

The food was by far and away secondary on his list, but she had gone through all the effort to feed them tonight. He carefully nibbled at the fish, all while unable to look away from her. He should have paid more attention to the flavor, but the needy feeling he’d been trying so hard to repress wouldn’t be held back much longer. Iroh finished the rest of his fish, and very quickly returned to his hunger for Elise. He refrained from pulling her closer, but didn’t hesitate to nuzzle into the fur of her neck while she finished her meal. ”Ready for dessert?” He asked with a low rumble in his chest. His teeth against her skin making it clear he didn’t mean the berries.
Where My Demons Hide