
plot w/ cade!

always open

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-04-2021, 07:04 AM
There's not much I can offer in the way of characters but I do have a few ideas!

Clouse + Nox
Nox is or rather was, a mother of three. In addition to those three, she had various adopted-children who didn't survive the journey from her previous home. I think it would be good for her and Clouse alike, to meet and perhaps have a sort of mentorship going? She's not very familiar with herbs, but she has some friends who are who she can introduce him to. Of course, she could also teach Clouse some life-skills or lesser-important skills like etiquette and such. She's more than willing to share her knowledge over a cup of tea or a meal. He's still young so even if he makes a mistake or is a little awkward, she'll be very understanding.

Skully + Nox
I have a soft spot for the outcast-types and so does Nox. I think it might be interesting for them to bump into each other somehow. Nox would undoubtedly flirt and attempt to coax him into joining her cause. Perhaps they could cause a little trouble or swap some knowledge. Even if they don't get along, he'll get skill-points just from meeting her. Lemme know if you have any ideas!

You're welcome to check out my plotter! Lemme know if you have any ideas or plots!
my plotter
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.