
Oceanic Breeze

Nox and Lupa

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-04-2021, 08:41 AM
Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.

Winter took control seemingly over-night. Trees were left naked, leaves drifting down into mass graves of intricate and warm colors. The wilds cried in outrage and then came a bitter breeze. Before she knew it the lands were smothered in white and autumn left to exist in memories alone. Such swift and ruthless winters were not uncommon, but it never ceased to surprise. Unfortunately, with winter came an excess of responsibilities and urges she had not the means nor resources to fulfill. It also brought with it a certain sense of dread that she was not used to. Without children or even a partner to spend the season with, she found herself feeling terribly lonely. The sensation of loss returned with a vengeance and she fought constantly to keep it at bay. At the very least, she was not left to her own devices. She still had Lupa, and until the rest of her party returned, he would more than suffice.

As she often did, Nox tamed her emotions with busy-work. While she waited for the others to return, she scouted far-away lands taking in every detail as though it might be her last. Though as she may have tried, she could explore until she turned gray and feeble, and still not touch every corner of these boundless lands. New faces came and flittered out of sight. While she hoped those fun little meetings would amount to something, she had reason to doubt. More than anything though, she missed the friends and family she already had. A portion of her felt inclined to believe that none of them would emerge again. Iza had gone to scout and bolster their ranks, and while Nox believed that duty would bring her back eventually, the harsh wilds were bound to hold some dangers.

Eclipsie and Astraea, however, were nowhere to be found. Eclipsie had stormed off in a fit of mindless rage, intent to punish her for even daring to leave Diaval behind, like it was somehow her fault he chose not to join them. What was she to do? Carry him in her jaws like he was a puppy again? No, he made an adult decision and she respected that. Every day she pondered over those same choices, and despite the pain and hurt, she still believed it to be the right decision. Astraea was a different story. Nox had faith that Eclipsie would manage, if but out of sheer stubbornness. However, she worried for the more delicate Astraea, born out of a soft-heart and will to heal rather than hurt. If neither of them would come home, she at-least wished that her girls had somehow managed to find each other. The desperate hope for them to return home far outweighed the resentment she felt for them leaving in the first place. Nox missed her daughters terribly, but if they had each other, she would be content to let them live their lives even if it did not include her. Children grew up and wandered off to write their own stories: As was the nature of life.

When her mind became too cluttered to bear, she set off on another adventure with her faithful companion in tow. She had a spot in mind though it was not one she had visited. Anywhere by the sea would do, so long as she could stare across it. Whether that be to feel a little closer to her son, who lay somewhere beyond the waves, or to toss a wish into it and hope that it came true. They skirted near the edge of the continent, careful to avoid certain territories that smelled heavily of those that occupied them. It was clear that they were not alone, and these areas were heavily populated. She had no desire to anger the locals so she treated their borders with care. Eventually, they found a stretch of land nearest to the seaside. Nothing but snow covered the ground, and few trees dotted the far landscape. Though in the distance she could make out a mountain-like shape though it were blackened and seemingly untouched by snow. She ignored that for now though it piqued her curiosity, and pushed further toward the sea, following the scent of salt that hung in the air.

Harsh cold stripped the land bare of its flora, but as she carefully pressed each paw into the snow, she could feel the frigid stems beneath. It must have been quite the spectacle in spring but for now, it was nothing but a bland vision. When Nox could hear the gentle lap of waves, she knew they were close. However, as they neared the ocean, she noticed a pale figure on the horizon. They were hard to make-out at first and if not for the strip of gray jutting out from the snow, she wouldn’t have even noticed. Nox shot a curious look back at her companion. She had come across a few strangers since arriving but unlike them, this stranger felt familiar somehow. Warm amber eyes scraped over every downy curve as she dug into her memory. Nox halted a few paces away and decided the only way to tell would be to get them to turn around. “Lovely view of the sea from here, don’t you think?” She remarked taking in a deep breath of fresh oceanside air.

I'm gonna make my own empire.

Thanks to Bird for the table help!
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.