
snow place like home


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
01-04-2021, 12:24 PM
WC: 816

Hanako was spending more and more time away from the Armada, dreading his return. She knew that Sirius would never allow any harm to come to her, that if he learned the reason behind her injuries he'd blow his top like a raging volcano but...Well it was for that reason alone she hadn't told a soul. As much as she resented Azure for what he'd done and how he'd treated her she still loved him and a large part of her wanted to fall at his paws and beg for forgiveness. Maybe if she'd said the right thing then things would be just fine between them. But her rose tinted glasses were starting to crack, the future she'd once dreamed of seemed so far away, impossibly out of reach.

She'd wandered quite some way from the Armada, the going tedious as she trudged through knee deep snow. She let out a sigh, the breath clouding from her lips as she took in the sight of the landscape before her. If hrr sense of direction was to believed then she'd found the Gulley, but it was nothing like it used to be. She saw it in her minds eye, all lush and verdant, with gentle rolling hills and flowers of all shapes, sizes and colours. The Gulley was now an ocean of white, it's hills towering over her like foamy waves, ready to crash down upon her at any moment. No matter what direction she looked there was not even a hint of colour. The sky was a dull and dreary grey, smeared with a smattering of dark clouds, hinting that even more snow would be falling soon.

Hanako was okay with theory. As different as the Gulley looked there was no denying that it was gorgeous, ethereal, but beauty never came cheap. First and foremost she was FREEZING. Though she tried to bite it back her teeth were already chattering, rattling her thoughts around in her head as she slugged her way through the snow. Winter had hit the area hard and fast, with what seemed like a mountain load of snow having fallen overnight. Given how blazing hot it had been in the summer Hanako had foolishly been lulled into a false sense of security, just a few weeks ago she'd stood on Obsidian Beach and come to the conclusion that this winter was going to be a chilly one...just not this chilly.  

The wind that rolled through the hills had a bite to it, sending yet another shiver down her spine as she plodded along. She was going nowhere fast and had she not harboured certain feelings she would have no doubt turned tail and made her way back home. But for now she needed some time and space to think and what better place for it? She was alone, completely and utterly so. The snow was fresh and clean, she paused a moment to eye the paw prints and drag marks she'd left in her wake and grimaced at the thought of how ungainly she looked. There was no way to push through snow this deep with any sense of poise or grace but still she was glad no one was around to see her. Arguably worse than that was how draining this was, she was putting in a lot of effort but getting no where fast. On a good day in spring she would have easily grossed the Gulley by now and been on her merry way. And it wasn't even as though she could just skip around the deeper parts of snow, it was either push through with brute force or curl up and hope she didn't catch a cold. Or worse.

Needless to say, Hanako much preferred summer over this. She missed lounging on the Sea's Plain, snoozing the morning-and afternoon- away with her belly raised to the sky, limbs daintily bent at the elbows. Sure, getting a nasty bit of sunburn on her nose had been pretty damn awful but she missed the sun. Where had it gone? It was most certainly day time but she couldn't see it, no matter how hard she squinted up at the greyish expanse overhead. And what about swimming in the sea? She groaned aloud, slapping at the snow with a front paw as though it had personally offended her. How dare it. Given how cold it was it'd be a long long time before she could go for a proper swim again, her form would no doubt crumble from misuse and come spring she'd no doubt be stuck with a basic doggy paddle.

Yet again she found herself wishing she could turn back time and right her wrongs, to truly appreciate and take advantage of the warmer weather whilst she could. But hey, if she was capable of such a thing then she wouldn't be in this situation now would she?

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