
Life isn't always what you think it'd be



2 Years
01-04-2021, 05:09 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2021, 05:10 PM by Eirnan.)

Your hands protect the flames from the wild winds around you

Eirnan could not bring herself to dwell on the fact that he might get injured during this, or that she might from the icy spire she was meant to scale. She knew they were all simply doing what they had to do, and that they would all make it through this together. Her ears perked as he called back to her with a question, looking it over with a soft hum. “Maybe a quarter day’s travel? It’s hard to tell from here with how the snow and ice will impact our speed.” She offered, looking back down. Her heart leapt into her chest when she saw him start to slide. “Quinn!” She called out, taking a deep breath as she looked down at Caed who was in a better position to help him than she was.

She motioned with her head towards Quinn when Caed’s attention snapped back and forth between her and her love. She carefully started to make her way back down the spire, intent to help as much as she could though with how precarious it could be, she wasn’t sure that was the best idea. The ice would already be fragile enough. Once she had made her way safely down, she moved towards them. She reached the edge of the lake, not putting her paws on it. Perhaps she could move closer, but she doubted the ice could support the weight of two wolves on it so she just had to wait, anxiously, for her love to make it to the safety of the shore. They could not afford an incident. “Try sliding your paws instead of stepping; it will lighten the impact of your feet.” She encouraged with worry in her tone. He was not allowed to fall into this lake and die on her.


As her travelling companions. Quinn and/or Caedmon may enter any of Eirnan's threads regardless of whether or not they are private.