
Life isn't always what you think it'd be



2 Years
01-04-2021, 07:34 PM
Eirnan's advice for Quinn to slide instead of step was a good idea; anything to help stop the ice from cracking any further would improve his brother's chances of making it without falling in. He stared with a worried expression at his brother as he began slowly sliding on his stomach towards them, his own body tense and jittery at being unable to physically do anthing to speed up the process. Caedmon felt as if his stomach dropped out of his body when the ice cracked beneath Quinn's paws, his breath hitching as panic coursed through his veins. He nodded encouragingly at his brother's words, digging his paws into the snowy edge so he would be ready to reach out to grab Quinn so he could pull him back to safety.
The russet male watched with trepidation as Quinn began sprinting towards him and Eirnan, wincing with each crack of the ice. However the ice was slippery with little traction and his brother tried to slow down to no avail. Without enough time to move out of the way Caedmon braced himself as Quinn slid right into him, allowing his momentum to push both of them backwards into the snow. He gasped as the breath was knocked out of his lungs, but spared no second as he immediately brushed his side against Quinn's, rubbing his russet cheek against his brother's face face in relief. A soft whine left his lips when he stood back, ears still pulled backwards as the fear had yet to fully leave his body. Caedmon shook his head when his brother asked if he was hurt. Would he be sore later? Probably. But for now with all the adrenaline in his body he could not feel any pain even if he had been hurt.
"Don't ever do that to us again," he said in a worried tone. They could not afford to get hurt, not when they had no idea where they were and with no one around to help them. But he felt relief knowing Quinn was safe, and spared a glance with narrowed eyes at the empty pocket of ice that had been revealed when the top thin layer crumbled away. He wanted to get away from the icy lake as soon as possible.
Caedmon Kearney -Quinn and Eirnan may join any threads Caedmon is in even if they are marked private as they are travelling together in a group
[Image: EKL1BiU.png]