
But Why is the Pesto Gone?



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-04-2021, 08:30 PM
Once upon a time there was no amount of patience in the world that Ásvor would've been able to summon up to deal with even the smallest incidence of tomfoolery, but fortunately for Pestilence she was far more level-headed now. It definitely helped that Pestilence sat back down as she'd been directed to. Her injuries sounded numerous as she began to list them - the side of her neck, getting kicked off a cliff, her ribs, leg, and allegedly everything else. Leaning over her, she gave a slight sniff and realized all at once why she'd smelled alcohol when first arriving. If this had been Sparrows's going she'd definitely made a good call though she couldn't imagine it had been pleasant. No wonder why Pestilence was so agitated. Ignoring her latter comment, she slid to the leather hide she'd brought and shuffled through her herbs.

Her method of choice was always getting the patient comfortable. Herbs were for relaxing the mind as much as they were for curing the body. Grabbing a few small pieces of kava root, she pushed them toward Pestilence. They were young roots and likely not terribly strong, but hopefully if she did as instructed they would produce a mild euphoria. Definitely calming but with more euphoric effects that she hoped wouldn't make her more irritating. "Chew on this. It'll help you feel better. Also numb your mouth, but ignore that part," she shrugged the rather powerful side effect off quickly. At least while she busied herself with that, Ásvor could go digging for a few leaves to chew and turn into a poultice. It was hardly the fanciest method but Ásvor didn't care, and maybe of Pestilence was mildly grossed it by it, it'd teach her to not get into so many fights. But knowing Fireside wolves, probably not.

Alas. Finally, once she was concluded she swiveled back around, spitting the herb mixture right onto Pestilence's neck and her wound. "Now," she said, lifting a paw to spread the mixture out over the wound. "Let this dry and fall off on it's own. It'll help the wound heal. For the rest, it sounds like a good rest be the greatest healer. Any questions?" If not, her work here was done, though she hoped for her own sake Pestilence spent a little time resting and not getting punted off cliffs.